Gary's Ride Tracking

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

What do you ride?

If you're here reading this, the first thing you notice is the website name, garyonasavage. This name comes from one of the bike's I own, and my first name of course, gary-on-a-savage. The savage is my 1996 Suzuki Savage. It's a 650cc, single cylinder, cruiser style bike. Suzuki is still making them today, but under the name of the S40 Boulevard. Mine bears very resemblance to it's original form. It's heavily modified with full fiberglass fenders, cut down frame at the seat, a HD Sportster seat, and new taillight and turnsignals. The belt drive has been changed to a chain drive and regeared for better highway speeds.

My other bike is a 96 Honda Shadow ACE. This one is pretty stock with the exception of the exhaust and seat, pretty much standard changes on any cruiser. I bought this year while I was working on the Savage. I hated being without a bike during the nice spring days. So when I saw this at a good price I scooped it up. It was high on the mileage, 46K when I bought it, but it's a well built design by Honda. I've already put another 5K on it with only a few of what you might call long distance trips. Most of that mileage has been just traveling to work and back.

For more pictures of my bikes, check out my BikePics pages.

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